In "Two Centuries of Bank Runs", we construct and make publicly available two novel, comprehensive cross-country databases.
First, we put forth new narrative evidence on bank runs that includes 308 events in 184 countries over 1800-2023 and from 463 sources.
Second, we assemble and harmonize a novel dataset of national banking sectors’ outstanding deposits, allowing us to measure episodes of significant deposit withdrawals.
On this webpage you can download our datasets and also gauge the coverage of our chronology relative to four influential existing crises lists.
Comparison of the JKMS Bank Run Chronology with Other Lists
Source: Jamilov et al. (2024). Note: This table compares the coverage of the JKMS bank run chronology introduced in our paper with existing lists of banking crises. “Narrative only” refers to chronologies that do not incorporate statistical indicators to identify crisis episodes, such as deposit growth rates in our paper. ``Mixed'' refers to chronologies that incorporate statistical data for a sub-sample but not all crises.